Languages are deep and complex, each one enjoys breadth and is characterised by its own identity. This identity is a product of their social and cultural history, their idiosyncrasies and traditions, hence no language can be the same, even Spanish, throughout Latin America, has complex variations. Therefore, skilled translations services seek to cover the particular and necessary aspects of each type of language.

Worldwide, there are approximately six to seven thousand languages, however, the three most widely spoken are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English.

On the other hand, language also refers to a particular way of speaking or expressing oneself, according to the context or occasion, which is where the difference and importance of knowing what an automatic translator and a manual-personalized one can or or may not offer.

Translation arises, as a response and aid to understanding between societies, searching alliances and a greater reach between mankind. Over time, methods and strategies have been perfected to make translations more efficient and faster; however, there are grammatical laws, compound words, words adapted to the socio-cultural moment that is developing in a given country and which will not be contextually “well translated” by an automatic translator. Certainly, technology is expanding and its capacity is vast, but it will never offer the accuracy of a certified translator.


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The advantages and disadvantages of automatic translations are many, among them we can find the following:


Automatic translators offer speed, at the moment of needing the translation.

The automatic translators, use a software in which thousands of languages are stored, to guarantee the widest range of languages when translating.

They are free and with a couple of clips, you can find the one that is most useful and helps you, to solve and understand the language you need to translate.

They allow exchanges of knowledge (meanings), machine translators allow you to delve deeper and learn in an easy way.


The difference between translating and interpreting can be affected by the fact that when using machine translation, it is possible that the real context is lost between the words being translated, as linguistic automation does not offer certainty as far as logical-syntactic meaning is concerned.

Accuracy plays a very important role, when referring to the understanding of another language. Its importance is vital, because it indicates precisely, what needs to be conveyed.

It can lead to a misunderstanding, from not getting to the right address because of a mistranslation, to a serious labour dispute because, you have signed something that was not actually translated by a certified translator.

Automated translations, do not offer a personalised service and do not adapt to your needs.

It may happen that when translating websites, you come across a word used in different countries, with a different meaning, such as for example:

“Al Tiro” or “Shot” in English.

In Mexico, this phrase refers to a state of “Alert” and also to a qualifying grade “Well Done”. In Chile, this phrase refers to speed, “Immediately “, specifically, and in Uruguay, it means, “Rush “, referring to a person in a hurry. This example shows that automatic translation will not always be accurate, as all these meanings are in the same language, Spanish.

At Parrot Translations, we offer you a specialised service, guaranteeing consistency, from what you want to transmit, to what you need to understand. Languages are ours, trust us and we will gladly work for you.

We work with all types of translations, technical translations, general translations, legal documents, certified translations, proofreading, guides, manuals and more.

Up to more than 5000 words, we can translate, helping you to learn and communicate.


Spanish version



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