Legal translations: Primary challenges for the translator

Traducciones legales / Legal traductions

Legal translation is a specialized field that requires exceptional language skills and in-depth knowledge of the legal system. Therefore, expert translators face unique challenges when dealing with any legal documents.

Given that this is a sensitive area, these professionals must be experts in the source and target languages, and also have a thorough knowledge of the law and the judicial system to which the document is addressed.

Legal translation

Legal jargon and linguistic intricacies

Among the challenges faced by specialized translators working in this area is the abundance of legal jargon, given that legal semantics are a difficult aspect to master. 

In addition, documents of this kind are often saturated with specific terminology, including Latinisms, which vary according to the jurisdiction and the type of document. Therefore, the precise interpretation of these expressions is essential to avoid misunderstandings that may result in conflict or prejudice to the document holder.

Also, we must consider that the complex syntactic structure and precise word usage can change meanings, interpretations and contexts, so translating these subtleties without losing the original intent of the text is a constant challenge. 

Certification Guarantees

In law, the credibility of the certified translator is fundamental to the legitimacy of their work. Therefore, translators must ensure that every word accurately reflects the meaning of the original content, guaranteeing accuracy with reference to the applicable laws.

This is why certification guarantees become a crucial link between the original document and its translated version, providing authenticity and credibility that are taken into account within the judicial or administrative process, as applicable. 


Posted on

February 21, 2024

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